Monday, 11 July 2011

Is the pain in my head?

Yes!! ALL pain is produced in the brain through a complex process of gathering and interrpreting information from the body, the contextual environment.

Modern neuroscience can now explain why pain is not proportionate to tissue damage and why pain may persist beyond the normal healing time of the tissues.

The following document is a short introduction to understanding pain and some practical tips to addressing some of the contributors to pain that exist outside the diagnosed problem itself.

Clinical trials have proven that understanding pain reduces it! Read on by viewing, downloading or printing the following .pdf document "pain sensitisation".

Pain sensitisation

Monday, 4 July 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi I am Daniel Harvie. I am a physiotherapist based at Marion Physiotherapy, South Australia. I have a Physiotherapy Honours degree and am a currently completing my Master of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy degree. I have started this blog as an educative tool for my clients, to enable them to better understand their bodies. Overtime I will be adding posts regarding all types of musculoskeletal complaints such as headaches and spinal pain. Posts will be both educative and practical, with condition related information as well as specific exercises and advice regarding topics such as sleeping, ergonomics and footwear.

Please feel free to request that I blog about a particular topic.

Wishing you  biological, psychological, social and spiritual health!

Daniel Harvie